Unione Stilisti Marche

Via Elpidiense Nord, 12

L'Unione Stilisti delle Marche, fondata nel 1980, è un'associazione che opera per promuovere lo stile italiano in tutto il mondo, tutelare e valorizzare la categoria degli stilisti-modellisti-designers, ideare e progettare il Made in Italy.

I soci sono affermati designers, che studiano le collezioni per i più conosciuti marchi italiani, sono quasi tutti studi stilistici di calzature e pelletterie.

L'opera di promozione e di sensibilizzazione intrapresa attraverso la stampa e le fiere, ha portato l'associazione a contare oggi oltre 70 soci, tra i sostenitori a far spiccare i nomi di importanti aziende e tra gli onorari alcuni dei nomi che hanno fatto  la storia del distretto moda marchigiano.

39 0734 896637

Uzbekcharimpoyabzali. Association of Leather and Shoe Enterprises

Beruniy street, 41

Association «Uzbekcharimpoyabzali» created by the Decree of President of Republic Uzbekistan № 2552, dated 23 February 2000. The main objectives of the Association is coordinating the activities of the industry in collecting and processing of hides and skins, manufacture competitive leather products, footwear and leather products, as well as a unified technical and investment policy, the broad attraction of foreign investment, introducing advanced technology, modernization and technical re-equipment of the industry.

The Association «Uzbekcharimpoyabzali» includes 252 companies, including 73 enterprises for procurement of raw hides, which are located in all regions of the country, 45 companies refining the skin, 129 enterprises producing shoes, 4 leather goods company, and 1 venture to produce artificial leather. Currently, the leather and footwear industry of the country are working more than 26.0 thousand skilled workers.

998 (71) 230-52-84

V + J OBUV, s.r.o., Tepanovice near CESKE BUDEJOVICE

Trebonska 235
373 73 Tepanovice near CESKE BUDEJOVICE
Czech Republic

The company V+J OBUV, s.r.o. was established towards the end of 1993. It is both a show wholesaler and retailer in the Czech Republic. The broad wholesale offer of men's, ladies' and children's footwear comprises a collection of QUICK SHOES, Fishbone and HIS shoes. Three collections of QUICK SHOES and Fishbone shoes are prepared for every season. They include several thousand of shoe kinds. One collection of brand HIS footwear is prepared separately. The company is a member of the GARANT association. As regards retailing, V+J OBUV, s.r.o. operates five own QUICK SHOES shops at present. The QUICK SHOES shops form a very strong and compact whole within entire Europe, offering a broad range of footwear representing the current footwear fashion trends as well as standard shoes, all at reasonable prices.

Karel Jauker - executive, Vaclav Vanek - executive

V. OBUV, s.r.o., BLUCINA

Cezavy 627
664 56 BLUCINA
Czech Republic

V. OBUV is a private company, which has been active in the Czech market since 2001. It makes children's, girl's, boy's, ladies' and men's textile and children's leather footwear. It is also a manufacturer of shoe inserts. The children's footwear is manufactured in the 18-26 size range. Only natural leather and cotton are used in the manufacture. The company is a holder of IRAFA (GIRAFFE) and ESKA KVALITA (CZECH QUALITY) certificates, which contributed significantly to gaining more customers and to customers' satisfaction. Another important factor are product prices, which belong among the lowest ones in this product range in the Czech Republic.

Ing. Jaroslav Vaicek - executive - Miroslava Kalukova - sales agent
420/547/237 211



Venicexport – promosso e gestito dall’Ufficio “Promozione all’estero e servizi alle imprese” – si presenta come un’importante vetrina per le aziende della provincia di Venezia che operano sui mercati esteri, offrendo particolare visibilità a tutte le piccole e medie imprese che formano il tessuto connettivo dell’economia provinciale.
