We are producing leather for shoe-uppers, lining leather, and split leather with coating. We are looking for a long-term partner for fruitful business!


During my school years I achieved 7 GCSE`s and during College at Blackburn College I studied GNVQ Foundation, Intermediate, and Advance Science and then I decided to do a course in HND Footwear Design and Manufacture.
ShoeStyles: ladies / men / children / youth / sneakers.
I am a very keen on learning new skills and can learn things very quickly. I am intersted in designing any kind of shoes, trainers, boots etc.. But I really enjoy designing childrens, men and ladies. During my course I achieved an award for "Student of the Year" which I was really proud off.
UNAC - Association of Components and Accessories Manufacturers
UNAC – Unione Nazionale Accessori e Componenti – was established in 1991 to represent the Italian manufacturers of components, accessories and alternative materials for leather goods and footwear.
The sector includes companies who have started an independent styling, processing and management system to supply manufacturers in parallel with tanners. The association assists these companies with the authorities, offers consultancy, organizes business development initiatives.
UNAC now has 250 member companies, principally based in the following districts: Marche, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Campania and Puglia.
UNDERGROUND SHOES - Piccadilly Shoes Ltd.
UNIC - Unione Nazionale Industria Conciaria
L'Unione Nazionale Industria Conciaria è la più importante associazione mondiale degli industriali conciari.
Opera dal 1946 a tutela delle aziende associate ed è rappresentativa di un settore strategico, componente fondamentale del tessuto economico e manifatturiero italiano.
Promuove gli interessi della categoria, la rappresenta ad ogni livello, ne favorisce l'innovazione, valorizza il suo ruolo sociale ed ambientale, costituisce società commerciali funzionali al mercato settoriale.