We are a private footwear manufacturer of high quality women's and men's footwear. The factory provides production for European footwear companies, seeking quality and reduction of production costs.


The trade network APIA was founded in 1990 - as a retailer of shoes goods. Now APIA is a producer, wholesaler, retailer, importer and exporter of high quality shoes and handbags.
Designer, manufacturer, wholesaler of fashion, formal and casual women's shoes, boots and pumps. Online catalogue with our fashion collections including models photos and wholesale prices of the footwear. Specialized in design and manufacturing of occasional and formal shoes, corporate footwear and fashion boots.

ARTPLAST is a trade firm for shoe materials with rich experience in the Bulgarian market. We are well-prepared to supply our customers all materials needed for making of fashionable and contemporary shoes like sole rubber sheets for soles, thermoplastic material for toes and counters, any natural and synthetic leathers and so on. Some of materials which we sell are present in our website.

Traditional Bulgarian shoes - tsarvili (opintsi), handmade, calf leather, comfortable for dancing. The tsarvuli have an additional sole of artificial material, which avoids wearing them out too fast. They are typical for all ethnographic regions of Bulgaria.