Producer and supplier of injection and vulcanization moulds, plastic lasts, cutting knives, tools and equipment produced just according to last shape for toe lasting, back part moulding, bottom ironing, etc. Skilled shoe and mould designers and programmers guarantee the best result.
Supplier of vulcanizing machinery and technology, producer of moulds for direct vulcanization and for units soles. Skilled shoe and mould designers and programmers guarantee the best result.
The company, having business name Miroslav Svoboda - BOKAP, was established in 1992. It manufactures 32 models of children, ladies and men's house shoes. The children's shoes are certified. The minimum production capacity is 100 thousand pairs per year., s.r.o., PRAHA
The company was founded in 1991 as an association of natural persons. In 1999, the company was transformed to s.r.o. Since the beginning of its activity the company has been concerned with manufacture and distribution of orthopaedic, sports and series shoe inserts, manufacture and distribution of orthopaedic aids, semi-finished products for prosthetics and shoe accessories for healthy and comfortable walking. The company's activities include also repairs and modifications of series and orthopaedic footwear and manufacture of individual and orthopaedic inserts at physician's prescription (paid by health insurance companies). A new product offered by the company are inserts formed in an imprint mould precisely according to an imprint of a customer's foot sole. In two company shops the firm offers a wide range of shoes, shoe accessories and services for comfortable and healthy walking. The goods are distributed to most health care shops, health care facilities and pharmacies in the Czech Republic. A part of the production is exported to several countries in and outside Europe.