We are importers and distributors of all kind of footwear in Uruguay. We specialize in first price items (up to 3.00 US$/pair).

AUQTIC - Asociación Uruguaya de los Químicos y Técnicos de la Industria del Cuero
Nuestra Asociación como sabrán siempre se ha caracterizado por sufrir los embates de la situación de la Industria; no solamente nacional, sino regional.
Nuestras fabricas han experimentado la bonanza y la crisis, porque somos un país pequeño y todo nos afecta.
Siempre hemos salido adelante en función de la calidad de nuestros cueros, el empeño que hemos puesto en que las cosas salieran bien y, en la creatividad e inteligencia de nuestros Químicos y Técnicos, que han convertido nuestra materia prima en algo exclusivo, bello y competitivo.

We are importers of all kind of shoes: sport, casual, sandals, slippers, etc. Catalogues, pictures by email, prices, and other information available are welcome.

We are leather consultants and we can find and provide you with the right suppliers in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. Cow, horse, sheep, etc. We can bring you in contact with producer of wet blue, crust or finished leathers. We are for many years in the market.

We are working as an extension of the export department of many important and serious tanneries in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. We can offer sales directly from an important slaughter house group in Argentina. Cow hides in wet blue, crust -and finished leather. Best prices, your selection, good quality control and direct contact with the provider. Feel free to contact us for more information.