We are a specialized manufacturer of Microtech (Density: 0.60 g/cm³), PVC Compound, Cork PVC Granules, TPR Granules and Light TPR (Density 0.60 g/cm³)
used in a variety of footwear industries, such as shoes soles, slippers, flipflops etc.
Abalkan Taban ve Plastik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.

We are manufacturers of solvent based polyurethane adhesive(glue) and PUR hotmelt glue for profile wrapping machines. We also produce postforming adhesives for lamination operation and D3-D4 PVA based glues and parquet glues, membrane press glues, general purpose adhesive for shoes industry and leather leather industries. We are looking for agents and representatives worldwide. We want also contact with manufacturer companies about our products. If you are interested pls contact for us more details.
Aktas Ayakkabi Taban Co. LTD.
We are milled soles manufacturer. We produce leather, Eva, Neolite , microlight soles for casual and formal shoes. We have 30 years of experience.
We are shoelaces and drawstrings manufacturing company based in Turkey and would be glad to do business with you.
EN – Being established in 1961, Alva today is the market leading manufacturer for STEEL SHANKS and PLASTIC INSERTS for soles in Turkey. In addition, our product spectrum also includes steel and plastic TOE CAPS, MIDSOLES for safety shoes as well as various metal and plastic shoe components.
We consider it our mission to support the shoe manufacturing industry with the highest possible service and product quality at competitive prices.
Please contact our sales team for detailed information.
DE – Im Jahre 1961 gegründet, ist Alva heute der marktführende Hersteller von STAHLFEDERN für Brandsohlen und KUNSTSTOFFSTÜTZEN für Schuhabsätze in der Türkei. Zusätzlich gehören zu unserer Produktpalette auch STAHLKAPPEN, ZWISCHENSOHLEN für Sicherheitsschuhe sowie verschiedene Schuhkomponenten aus Metall und Kunststoff.
Wir sehen es als unsere Mission an, die Schuhherstellungsindustrie mit höchstmöglicher Service- und Produktqualität bei konkurrenzfähigen Preisen zu unterstützen.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie unser Verkaufsteam für detaillierte Informationen.