Seven's work is aimed to offer the most up-date interpretations of the shoe market evolution in the sport, fashion, casual and sandals branches. In order to present a sufficiently complete overview of our business we have prepared an ouline of the areas in which we specialize: Design and planning of collections using the most appropriate trimming and by studying trendy colours and materials. Technical-development of lasts, soles, paper patterns, first prototypes. Sourcing-research of shoe production companies and accessories and materials manufacturers Feel free to contact for advice.

A complete range of perforating tubes, prickers, punches and other special metallic small parts for cutting-knives for the footwear- and leather goods industries.
Aba offers a wide range of shoes, both for babies and children up to age three. Colorful and soft fabrics for summer, warm and sturdy material for winterAba offers a wide range of shoes, both for babies and children up to age three. Colorful and soft fabrics for summer, warm and sturdy material for winter
footwear design - leather goods design - footwear technology - leather technology - leather goods technology.
Learning shoe making and design in Florence, Italy from distinguished artists. We organize Academic and short courses. Feel free to contact us for more detailed information.
ACRIB - Associazione Calzaturifici del Brenta
Riviera del Brenta footwear originates from the Venetian “Calegheri" (Cobblers) of the 13th century even if it developed fully only towards the end of the 19th century.
Its real beginnings go back to 1898 when Giovanni Luigi Voltan, drawing on his past experience in the most important shoe factories in the States, opened the first Italian industrialised footwear complexe in Stra. His example was soon followed by many more who, formed professionally at Luigi Voltan’s “school”, started similar enterprises.
The period after World War II saw shoe factories proliferating in the Riviera del Brenta even if quality was not particularly high at the start.
The technological-organisational leap takes place with the introduction of new machines and control and organisation techniques, a process supported by the creation of the European Community and the opening of the great foreign markets.
Today nearly 500 SMEs are working in the sector covering the whole production range. 10,000 people are employed by these companies. Annual production boasts 19 million pairs, 95% is women’s luxury/upper market footwear, the remaining 5% being men’s upper market shoes. Current turnover exceeds 1.6 billion Euros, 91% of which is export.
The specificity of the “Brentano” sector comes from the fact that nearly all the designer shoes found on the markets of the whole world are almost wholly manufactured – and to a considerable extent co-designed and marketed – by shoe factories in the Riviera del Brenta.