Boot Factory in Finland with 40 years of experience in the field.
Boot Factory Oy Pekka Lahti
Fenam Sourcing was established to meet almost any kind of sourcing needs that a client may have with the high quality and cost efficient manufacturing in Vietnam. Fenam Sourcing is headquartered in Finland and in order to provide a customer a complete sourcing process, it cooperates with a partner in Vietnam that has many years experience in sourcing business. Thus, the established Fenam sourcing team not only is local and responsive to its customers in the West but also benefits from having a local presence in Vietnam and peoples from many cultures and backgrounds. Furthermore, Fenam Sourcing prefers to take a fee from the manufacturer side, so the service usually is at no cost to you at all. For all these reasons, Fenam Sourcing is your choice for almost any kind of sourcing needs from Vietnam. Here are some products regularly sourced by Fenam Sourcing: home wares, handicrafts, footwear, clothes, toys and gifts, bags, agricultural products, seafood, etc..
HAMK Häme University of Applied Sciences
Wetterhoff School of Crafts and Design - Design Programme.
Are you interested in shoe fashion, design, pattern making, technology and materials? Are you interested in studies where you work closely with shoe business? Are you interested in to put all gained knowledge together and present collections, which are competitive, and production considered? Are you interested in studies where work placement is included into your BA level degree? If your answer is YES, please click LINK and you will know more.
Modin is the only national shoe and leather magazine in Finland. It is particularly aimed at professionals connected with shoe and leather goods manufacturing, import and export as well as wholesale and retail. Modin is a useful tool for keeping suppliers, retailers, advertisers and manufacturers informed about shoe trade in general.
Bi-montly – only in Finnish.
MUOTIKAUPAN LIITTO - Association of Fahion Retailers in Finland
Fashion Commerce in Finland (Muotikaupan Liitto ry) is working for the benefit of its members in the clothing, shoe, textile, leather and other businesses connected to fashion.