Power Shoe Machinery is the producer and distributor of shoe repair machinery (new and second hand) and machinery for the orthopaedic workshop, that is world wide sold under the trade name POWER. We originate from Van der Meijden Machineverkoop BV company. Furthermore we carry spare parts, also for brands such as ADLER, AUTO SOLER, CLAES, FROBANA, GENEVA, HARDO, MEBUS, PEDERSEN, RAFFLENBEUL, SINGER, SUTTON LANDIS, TEXTIMA, etc.
Power Shoe Machinery is the producer and distributor of shoe repair machinery (new and second hand) and machinery for the orthopaedic workshop, that is world wide sold under the trade name POWER. We originate from Van der Meijden Machineverkoop BV company. Furthermore we carry spare parts, also for brands such as ADLER, AUTO SOLER, CLAES, FROBANA, GENEVA, HARDO, MEBUS, PEDERSEN, RAFFLENBEUL, SINGER, SUTTON LANDIS, TEXTIMA, etc.

Zund is by far the leading brand in (leather)cutting market. Prohelp is an official dealer of Zund (leather) cutters for the Dutch shoe market. The software installation and configuration for these (leather) cutters is done by Prohelp. For the hardware installation and maintenance we rely on our local partner Beta Services, who is the official service partner of Zund/Wild in the Benelux.
Manufacturer of classic, handmade slippers and hi-quality comfort shoes in more widths. Also for removable orthotics.
"World-First" - The "Roda Shoe Clip" is the only real solution to protect shoe-heels of car drivers. This well-known shoe problem is caused by continual braking and accelerating. The "Roda Shoe Clip" is also a very nice and useful Give-a-way.(present)